Haggard Wood, Flixton - Sold
Details for this wood
Guide price: £30,000 - Freehold
Size: Almost 1¾ acres
Location: Grange Road, Flixton, Suffolk
OS Landranger: 167
Grid ref: TM 311 861
Nearest post code: NR35 1NT
Contact: Ben Williamson
Phone: 07958 213 914
Email: [email protected]
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Located in a peaceful and quiet rural location surrounded by ancient woodland and open farm land the woodland is accessed directly from a lane and a bowl like lower area which forms a good loading area. Although in very wet conditions this can flood! Proceed up the bank away from the lane and you disappear into the depths of this woodland.
Although small in size, once within the wood it feels wonderfully secluded. The upper levels offer plenty of spots to create an area in which to camp.This woodland hosts a wide variety of flora and at different times of the year present a wonderful display.
Of great note and what sets this woodland apart is the wide variety of wildlife: it is quite rare to find four different species of deer all present in the same woodland, these being red, Roe, muntjac and Chinese water deer. Various trees here have been rubbed each year by red stags as they mark their territory prior to the rut. Hares, foxes, buzzards and tawny owls can also be found here. To have the chance of seeing so many species is really unusual.
The woodland is believed to have historic and medieval associations with the former Augustine Abbey at Flixton Priory.
Haggard Wood forms a small part of a larger area of woodland known as Abbey Wood. This is a special woodland and is protected as a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). Although Haggard Wood is not part of the SSSI protected area a new owner will have the pleasure of knowing that they are the custodians of a nationally recognised woodland without the responsibilities associated with SSSI.
Access is directly off Grange Road.
Boundaries to the west its with the roaside, the north is the field edge, to the east there is a wood bank and to the south there are free-standing stakes.
Coventant There is a covenant on the wood designed to ensure the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of this and adjoining woodlands, click HERE to read and download.
Full-scale Click here to download and print a map showing the location of the woodland.
Click HERE to see free OS maps and scroll out for a wider view.
Viewing: You are welcome to visit this wood by yourself, but please ensure that you have a copy of these sales details with you - many of our woodlands do not have mobile phone reception or internet access so we recommend either printing the details or downloading them to your phone or tablet. Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception.
Maps are : © Crown copyright and database rights 2021 OS Licence no.100057987
Our Maps

Haggard Wood at Flixton lies between Harleston and Bungay just off the A143 in north Suffolk.
Click here for Bing Maps Directions enter your own postcode, and click on the "Directions" box. This will take you to the wood, at the roadside
Using the nearest postcode NR35 1NT is for the red spot on the location map.
Coordinates for your satnav are 52.424567, 1.398432
Please note: the particulars with plans, maps, descriptions and measurements are for reference only and although carefully checked we cannot guarantee their accuracy and do not form part of any contract. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars.