Wadd Fen Wood - Sold
Details for this wood
Guide price: £46,000 - Freehold
Size: About 3 acres
Location: Wadd Lane, Gomford, Suffolk
OS Landranger: 156
Grid ref: TM 385 588
Nearest post code: IP17 1QY
Contact: Ben Williamson
Phone: 07958 213 914
Email: [email protected]
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A rarity in Suffolk, Wadd Fen Wood is small woodland tucked away at the back of Snape village. Snape is well-know as the home of Benjamin Britten's music at Snape Maltings, the international venue for Aldeburgh Music. Nearby is the RSPB's Botany Marshes, a project to create reed beds to replace those soon to be lost to the sea at Minsmere. Adjacent is the Gromford Meadow SSSI a good example of an unimproved base-rich marsh on an alluvial soil with a high organic content, borders the River Fromus and is also fed by springs. It is species-rich and contains a variety of characteristic fen meadow and marshland plants. Many of these plants will be found in this woodland, although it is not so designated. It is in the East Suffolk Special Landscape Area.
Native willow, hornbeam, alder, hawthorn, ash, oak. The trees along the drainage ditches are ancient, the ones in
the middle some were planted in 1980’s and the rest naturally grown. The soil is highly fertile with rampant summer growth, as it dies down in the winter better internal access is possible. Dense bamboo has colonised areas to the north of the woodland giving shelter to the deer.
There are some old ponds with small fish and a short spring fed stream. Eels and fresh water oysters, some with pearls, have been found in the river. Neolithic flint tools have been found in the river bed and banks. Fishing rights extend to the centre of these water courses, although mostly small coarse fish.
Land at entrance to the track: Although over grown there is hardstanding. Once cleared would be a useful parking area for the woodland.
The land is subject to a residential development overage of 45% of the uplift in value of the land until 2039, but only if sold on.
Boundaries On three sides there are water courses with the boundary along the centre. The river Fromus on the south, the south east there is a clear dyke, to the north west there is the dyke although somewhat overgrown. The north is the line with the neighbours garden.
Access Is off Wadd Lane and along its 'Private Carriage and Occupation track' This harks back to the 'Enclosures' and gives the woodlnd a full right of way. At present it is over-grown, although walkable. This could be cleared back for vehicle access. It is about 16' wide.
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Viewing: You are welcome to visit this wood by yourself, but please ensure that you have a copy of these sales details with you - many of our woodlands do not have mobile phone reception or internet access so we recommend either printing the details or downloading them to your phone/tablet/laptop. Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception. Stout footware and clothing is recommended.
Maps are : © Crown copyright and database rights 2021 OS Licence no.100057987
Our Maps

Wadd Fen Wood at Gomford by Snape is just 5 miles inland from Aldeburgh and 4 miles south of Samundham in Suffolk.
For Satnav: the nearest postcode is IP17 1QY as shown by the red dot on the maps. Coordinates for your satnav are N52.177131, E1.484557
Click here for Bing Maps Directions enter your own postcode and click on the "Go" box.This will take you to the entrance of the "Private Carriage and Occupation Road".
There is space on the verge opposite the entrance to park. A path has been created along the track, follow this and the wood is at the end. We suggest stout clothing and footware for viewing.
Please note: the particulars with plans, maps, descriptions and measurements are for reference only and although carefully checked we cannot guarantee their accuracy and do not form part of any contract. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars.