Brightstone Copse - Sold
Details for this wood
Guide price: £68,000 - Freehold
Size: Over 3½ acres
Location: Lower Farringdon, Alton
OS Landranger: 189
Grid ref: SU 691 346
Nearest post code: GU34 3ET
Contact: Ben Williamson
Phone: 07958 213 914
Email: [email protected]
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Brightstone Copse, a woodland of Scots and Corsican pine planted to shelter and nurse the beech trees now at a semi-mature stage, sits on the upper parts of a homely and shallow valley.
This and the surrounding woodland is classified as ancient replanted woodland, wood sorrel grows here, their leaves folding at night and reopening during the day as do their flowers. In Europe wood sorrel is known as Alleluia because of its Easter flowering period. Windflower - wood anemone - grows in places, on bright days they follow the sun from east to west.
The wood is private, the track along the western boundary is also a bridleway. Deer - creatures of habit - follow their well-trod trails, in places their resting areas can be seen.The wood is located in a pretty farmed landscape at the top of a small valley just inside the South Downs National Park. Much of the wood is level, it then follows the slope down to Brightstone Lane. The track on the west side provides access to the whole wood from the metal field gate at the lane side.
The Domesday book refers to Farringdon as Feredone which, when translated, is a fern-covered hillside. The most notable local, Gilbert White, was one of the first to really study ecology and his calendar from 1795 is a valuable reference point. He may well have focused his attention on the woodlands here.
Access is off Brightstone Lane along a forest track where there is a full right of way
Boundaries Are indicated with orange markings. The roadside is the boundary to the north, the west is the track edge, east is a line of posts on a woodbank.
Coventant There is a covenant on the wood designed to ensure the quiet and peaceful enjoyment of this and adjoining woodlands, click HERE to read and download.
Full-scale Click here to download and print a map showing the location of the woodland.
Click HERE to see free OS maps and scroll out for a wider view.
Viewing: You are welcome to visit this wood by yourself, but please Click here to download the details showing the location of the woodland and ensure that you have a copy of these sales details with you. Many of our woodlands do not have mobile phone reception or internet access so we recommend either printing the details or downloading them to your phone or tablet. Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception.
Maps: OS OpenData © Crown copyright and database rights 2023 & OpenStreetMap
Our Maps

Brightstone Copse is about 4 miles south of Alton and about 15 miles east of Winchester in East Hampshire.
1. Click here for Bing Maps Directions enter your own postcode, (the coordinates for parking are already entered) and click on the "Go" box. Park by the large 'for sale' sign and walk up the lane until reaching the metal gate on the left - there is a small 'for sale' sign here. Go through the horse gate (this is a bridleway) and Brightstone Wood is on the left, running up the slope.
2. For Satnav: the nearest postcode is GU34 3ET in Brightstone Lane as shown by the red dot on the maps. Coordinates are: N51.107942, W1.012701
Please note: the particulars with plans, maps, descriptions and measurements are for reference only and although carefully checked we cannot guarantee their accuracy and do not form part of any contract. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars.