Paddock Wood - Sold
Details for this wood
Guide price: £120,000 - Freehold
Size: About 10 acres
Location: Great Heron Wood, Kenardington, Kent
OS Landranger: 189
Grid ref: TQ 962 321
Nearest post code: TN26 2NF
Contact: Ben Williamson
Phone: 07958 213 914
Email: [email protected]
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Undoubtedly ancient woodland long before planting of Grand fir in the 1960's, Paddock Wood is now considered to be a plantation on ancient woodland site. Most of the conifer was harvested following the storm of 1987 and now thanks to planting of broadleaved trees and much natural regeneration its status is more of a semi-natural ancient woodland. Strong presence of wood anenome and bluebells with other indicator plants show its conservation status is returning.
Elsewhere in the woodland hornbeam has become established in which semi-mature oak, cherry, silver birch, willow, the off Grand fir and oak are found. At this stage clearing round some of the oak to allow their canopy to spread and opening up clearings would greatly benefit the wood for wildlife. As part of the Great Heron Wood woodland, wildlife such as the nightingale are attracted into Paddock Wood. There is a public footpath running diagonally through one corner of the wood although most walkers take the route along the woodland boundaries.
Located in the parish of Kenardington in Ashford Borough, Kent where there is a TPO (tree preservation order) on the whole of Great Heron Wood, this does not affect normal woodland management where an agreed Forestry Commission management plan is in place.
Access there is long frontage to Sly Lane (a public highway) and a gated track off this where vehicles can be taken. There is a full right of way along this and along the other three sides of the woodland. A key will be provided.
Boundaries although unmarked are the roadside and the edges of the three tracks. There are orange tags at each corner.
Full-scale Click here to download and print a map showing the location of the woodland.
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Viewing: You are welcome to visit this wood by yourself, but please ensure that you have a copy of these sales details with you - many of our woodlands do not have mobile phone reception or internet access so we recommend either printing the details or downloading them to your phone or tablet. Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception.
Relaxation of lockdown allows viewing of woodlands for purchase, if please ask for our viewer's guide.
Maps are : © Crown copyright and database rights 2021 OS Licence no.100057987
Our Maps

Paddock Wood is about 10 miles south of Ashford and 6 miles east of Tenterden, between Kenardington and Appledore, in the south of Kent.
Click here for Bing Maps Directions enter your own postcode, parking location coordinates are already entered, and click on the "Directions" box. This will take you to very near the entrance to Paddock Wood. Use these coordinates in your SAT NAV to get to the same place. N51.055539, E0.798740
Using the nearest postcode TN26 2NF will take you to the red spot shown on the location maps.
Sly Lane is narrow but there is room to park on the verge opposite, you are able to walk directly into Paddock Wood from the roadside.The gate is locked but a key will be provided for a new owner.
Please note: the particulars with plans, maps, descriptions and measurements are for reference only and although carefully checked we cannot guarantee their accuracy and do not form part of any contract. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars.