Whitford Wood, Downing, Flintshire
Details for this wood
Guide price: £99,000 - Freehold
Size: 7 acres
Location: Whitford, Holywell, Flintshire
OS Landranger: 116
Grid ref: SJ 153 787
Nearest post code: CH8 9EQ
Contact: Sandra Colley
Phone: 07769654392
Email: [email protected]
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Description: A beautiful mixed woodland, part of the Downing woods, with an interesting history. Sycamore is dominant, but there also with many other tree species scattered here and there including, birch, alder, elm, beech, and holly.
This is a good sized mixed woodland with two streams flowing in from the west to join about half-way across the land and then they flow out as one towards the east. There is a small amount of level ground at the south-eastern end where the trees are well spaced and the ground fairly clear giving the woodland an open and pleasant feel. Heading towards the west, the ground rises and splits into two steep-sided gorges that have been formed by the two streams. The further you head upstream the more secluded and private the woodland becomes. Along the north-eastern edge of the woodland there is an earth bank feature that is probably the remnant an ancient hedgerow. This edge of the woodland is on high ground and provides views across and down into most of Whitford Wood.
Access: Access to Whitford Wood is initially over a tarmac drive that serves a number of houses, as well as the remnants of the old Downing estate. Through a gate, access is along a shared private track. This provides easy four-wheel-drive access to the eastern end of the woodland. From here, some hand-made ash gates (now in need of repair) define the boundary and the track continues a short way into Whitford Wood. There are also a few lightly defined footpaths meandering through the woodland, but because of the canopy of the mature trees, there is relatively little undergrowth, making it easy to move most areas.
Public access: None.
Sporting rights: Included, but there is a restriction on the woodland that the owner is not to permit any hunting or shooting or wilful destruction of mammals, birds or any wildlife in or on the land and property.
Mineral rights: Included, except as reserved by statute.
Official designations: The majority of Whitford Wood, apart from a small area on the western boundary and a pocket of open land at the south-eastern corner is designated as Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland. It is also within an area designated by CADW as a Registered Historic Park and Garden, because of its history as part of the Downing Estate. There are no Tree Preservation Orders on the trees in Whitford Wood.
Boundaries: The western boundary follows the original iron estate fence. The north boundary follows an old earth bank on the top of a ridge. The south boundary meets adjoining open land and has a single strand of fence wire for most of the way. All boundaries were once marked indicatively with orange paint on trees and posts, but this is now very faded.
Local area and history: Located close to the village of Whitford in Flintshire in north east Wales Whitford Wood is a mixed woodland that used to be part of the Downing Estate. It was once owned by the Pennant family who held estates in the Whitford and Holywell areas continuously from the 1450s until the middle of the 19th century.
Covenants: in common with the neighbouring woodlands, there is a covenant designed to ensure that all can have quiet and peaceful enjoyment of their woodland.
VIEWING: You are welcome to visit this wood by yourself. Please ensure that you have a copy of these sales details with you: we recommend either printing the details or downloading them to your phone/tablet/laptop before you go. Please take care when viewing as the great outdoors can contain unexpected hazards and woodlands are no exception.
Our Maps

Take junction 31 off the A55 signposted towards Holywell. At the roundabout take the exit towards Whitford. At the next roundabout go straight on and then immediately take the first right towards Whitford. When you arrive in the village turn right at the staggered crossroads. Then take the first left onto a narrow lane. You will shortly arrive at a T junction where you should turn left.
Continue for about 500 m and then turn left at the sign reading 'The Downing, private road'. Follow this driveway around a bend to the right and then park close to the wooden gate across the track. Please park tucked close into the wall to the left of the gate whilst being careful not to obstruct the access.
The gate is locked: please climb over at the hinge end of the gate. From here continue on foot along the track on your left, between the wall on the left and the fence to your right. The track curves around to the left and down. Take a right turn off the track and continue until you see our 'For Sale' board and entrance to Whitford Wood on the left.
- Postcode for Satnav:
CH8 9EQ (Downing Kennels, about 400 metres north of
the entrance into “The Downing”)
- Coordinates:
53.29567, -3.26818 (entrance into “The Downing”)
- What3Words:
giving.pans.sprinting (entrance into “The Downing”)
Please note: the particulars with plans, maps, descriptions and measurements are for reference only and although carefully checked we cannot guarantee their accuracy and do not form part of any contract. Any intending purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of these particulars.
Location maps
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Interested in this woodland? Get in touch with us:
Contact Sandra Colley on 07769654392 or email us at [email protected] with your details.